We’re happy to assist you on starting a banner program in your community. If you have specific questions or more details, don’t hesitate to call us at 866.670.5552. We have years of experience to share.
If you already have finalized many of the details for your program (location, display period, sponsorship cost, etc.), then we recommend requesting a free sample banner if you haven't already done so - selecting the style and size of your banner. Click Here to order.
We can also send you a start-up questionnaire if you are ready to start the process. This will help us set up your programs informational and ordering page based on your answers. Of course, you will have the opportunity to review it prior to it going live to the public. Call us and we will send you the link.
Planning a Program
Things to Consider: Who has the authority to grant usage of the display location to display your banners? Do you need to make a formal presentation at one of their meetings or do they require a written request? Will they charge for usage of the display location?
In any case, make sure to have all of your program details in order prior to making a request. Have a full-size sample banner in hand ready to show. Also, have information on how the program will be run, who it benefits and how it will be of benefit to the community. Those in charge of the display location will most likely inform you as to who can hang and take down the proposed banners. For insurance and safety reasons, they may only allow approved personnel to hang the banners which may incur a labor charge.
Determining the right sponsorship rate is important as this will determine how many banner sponsorship orders you will receive. Too high of a rate and you will limit orders. Too low of a rate and you may not be covering the costs associated with displaying your banners.
Things to Consider: Sponsorship rate should cover the cost of the banner production, shipping charges, plus any additonal charges associated with hanging the banners. This rate can include, but not necessary, any additional amount you would like to receive for fund raising purposes.
Also consider the location and the length of display in your sponsorship rate. The more visible, attractive the location and the longer the display period, the higher a rate can be charged. If you plan to display banners for more than one display period, this can also merit a higher rate. However, keep in mind the all outdoor banners have to be retired after a certain amount of time (based on weather conditions) and may need to be replaced. So keep this in mind when you set your sponsorship rate as a few made need to be replaced if you plan to have several display periods with the same banners.
Preparing for Your Program
Preparing for a successful banner program is easy if you keep these things in mind. Military Tribute Banners takes care of much of the back-end work to make it easy for you to concentrate on certain aspects of the program.
Questions To Ask: What people / organizations will help in overseeing your banner program?
Who will handle sponsorship payments and in what forms of payment will be accepted?
Is an account already set up in which to deposit sponsorship payments? (We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that no personal accounts be utilized.)
Who will be the contact person for specific questions?
How far in advance of the display period do you need to have your banners ready to hang?
Who will be hanging and when will they need them by?
Is there a charge for hanging & taking down the banners?
What will happen to the banners once they are taken down? Will they be stored for re-display or will they go back to the sponsor as a "Thank You"?
What will be the criteria for who will be honored on a banner?
Will you limit the program to local residents only or will it be open to anyone connected to the community in some way.
Promoting Your Program
The most successful programs are the ones that are properly supported by and promoted throughout the community. Promoting of a Military Tribute Banner program should be done with enough time and by as many means as possible.
Questions To Ask:
What organizations (veterans groups, ROTCs, etc.) can help promote the banner program to their membership, families and to the community?
What social media platforms can you promote the program on? Keep in mind that the more organizations and individuals promoting the program to their followers, the greater the outreach.
Is the local government help promote the program on their website?
Are there locations such as restaurants or convenience stores that will allow you to place fliers and/or posters for customers to take?
Are local news stations, radio stations or newspapers willing to do a segment on the upcoming Military Tribute Banner program and what a great thing it is for the community?
Managing Your Program
One of the most important factors of managing a program is the receipt of sponsorship payments. Payment for sponsorships are made directly to the organization promoting the program. Military Tribute Banners does not receive sponsorship payments, we simply provide sponsors with the information as to how payment is to be made.
You will need to keep track of all payments received and convey to us in a timely manner which payments have been received for your program. This is important as we will not produce banners unless you verify that payment has been received. Keep in mind that payments from sponsors should be received in a timely fashion to allow for production and shipping time.
Questions To Ask:
Who will be in charge of managing the program - keeping track of sponsorship payments as well as being in communication with the sponsors for payment reminder purposes?
Who will be in charge of ensuring that the program location is readied for the upcoming display and scheduling the manpower needed? Are there any payments that need to be made or items purchased for the display?
Do brackets need to be purchased (if not installed already) and when do they need to be purchased by to ensure that they are installed when needed?
Honoring our military heroes throughout communities nationwide.